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Showing posts from 2007

Sethu Samudram Project - Objectivity Required !

There is a lot of heat in India on the Sethu Samudram Project, because of the public outcry on the demolition of a revered structure by the project's alignment. This structure (off the coast of Rameswaram) is called 'Rama Sethu' by the believers and Adam's Bridge by the archaeological documents (most of which were written during the British occupation of India). The traditional Indian belief is that this structure is a bridge that was built by Shri Rama to cross over to Sri Lanka where his wife Devi Sita was held captive by the demon King Raavana. This belief has its roots in the Ramayana . (This post was written a few months back in response to the fanatic anti-Hindu arguments which are put forth by the supporters of the project) NASA clearly says that this structure is in existence for centuries. It also says that the origin of these structures can not be ascertained by its photography. Which means that there is no verdict on whether this is a natural formation or a m