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Cleaning India......

Politics and posturing apart, the idea of cleaning Indian public spaces is really good. It is, in spirit, well-meaning and will lead to a lot of positive repercussions. If implemented well (which looks quite possible, knowing the implementing skills of the man at the helm), we can see "sweeping" changes in our immediate environment. Let us pray, hope and work for the best ! Jai Mata Di ! Vande Mataram !! Bharat Mata Ki Jai !!!
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Happy Republic Day !

Happy Republic Day ! Prayers for a great, strong, prosperous, peaceful and united India ! Prayers for the safety, welfare and growth of all Indians !! Salutes to this democracy, which empowers us to express ourselves everywhere, including this blog !! Jai Hind ! Vande Mataram ! Bharat Mata Ki Jai !

Happy Republic Day !!

Wishing all Indians a Happy Republic Day ! Wishing and Praying for security, prosperity and welfare of all Indians !! But can not help wondering what is the state of the republic, when the state and central governments prevent some people from hoisting the national flag within the country..... God save the country and its people ! Jai Hind !!

Happy Independence Day !

Wishing All Indians A Very Happy Independence Day !! Let us all pray for the wellbeing of India and Indians. Let us pray that there is allround welfare, security, strength, prosperity and peace in India and among Indians. Let us pray that all those who are in charge of deciding the nation's present and charting the nation's future think with national welfare, wellbeing and security in their mind, and do not blindly follow any so-called ideological stand which are not relevant to us . Let us pray that we get good leaders from among ourselves to take us ahead, and let us resolve to exercise our right to select good leaders. Jai Hind ! Jayathi Jayathi Bharath Matha !!

Sethu Samudram Project - Objectivity Required !

There is a lot of heat in India on the Sethu Samudram Project, because of the public outcry on the demolition of a revered structure by the project's alignment. This structure (off the coast of Rameswaram) is called 'Rama Sethu' by the believers and Adam's Bridge by the archaeological documents (most of which were written during the British occupation of India). The traditional Indian belief is that this structure is a bridge that was built by Shri Rama to cross over to Sri Lanka where his wife Devi Sita was held captive by the demon King Raavana. This belief has its roots in the Ramayana . (This post was written a few months back in response to the fanatic anti-Hindu arguments which are put forth by the supporters of the project) NASA clearly says that this structure is in existence for centuries. It also says that the origin of these structures can not be ascertained by its photography. Which means that there is no verdict on whether this is a natural formation or a m

Pope, Prophet and Policies.............

The context is the Pope's speech which many Muslims feel is offending Islam. Read this link for some excerpts of the Pope's speech : Curiously, the Pope hints to an "argument against violent conversion". I wonder whether he thought about the Crusades of the past and the current "induced" conversions in Asian, African & Latin American countries, including India. This link speaks about the Muslim protests against the Pope's remarks : But did the Islamic protestors think what would the followers of other faiths think, when Muslims quote the Koran and call them "Infidels" and "Kafirs" ? (Similarly the Christian proselytisers call the non-Christians as "sinners" - 'Paavigale .....'). And read this for the next news : But, in all this discourse, imagine the Hindus b

India needs a common civil code !

India needs a common civil code, i.e., whether it is birth control or right to do business or right to marriage or restriction on number of wives or right to divorce or right to purchase property or right to education or right to employment or right to religious freedom, everybody in India irrespective of their location, caste, community, gender, etc. should be governed by the SAME LAW. All are equal before law. But IS THE LAW EQUAL FOR ALL ? The Civil Law is not. So we need a Common Civil Code. What does the Indian Constitution say ? Quote 44. Uniform civil code for the citizens.- The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India. Unquote So, it is the duty of the Indian Government to implement a Common Civil Code in India. And if any Government functionary or MLA or MP speaks against Common Civil Code, that person defaults on his promise of allegiance to the Indian Constitution. Thanks........... V "Hope has two

The 'Secular' Media and its 'Torch-bearers' in India !

My note : This article is just to show the nature of Indian intellectuals, secularists and media ! No offence meant to any community ! There has been a lot of media news on 'Fanaa' and 'Da Vinci Code' of late. Most of the champions of creative freedom have hit at Narendra Modi and BJP for 'Fanaa'. Mahesh Bhatt has gone to the extent of filing a case in the Supreme Court on this. (Not so) surprisingly, these torch-bearers of artistic liberty and 'fundamental rights' have not raised their voice against TN, AP, Meghalaya and even the Central Govt. Nor were they supporting the 'freedom of expression' of the cartoonists in the Prophet issue. (I do not mean that there is nothing objectionable in these). What is more noteworthy in these issues is : The exhibitors' association of Gujarat has decided not to screen 'Fanaa'. (The opposition to the movie came from the youth wings of BJP & Congress in Gujarat; but Aamir Khan chose to hit at BJ